Texas woman shoots kids and herself


New Member
A woman in Texas shot and critically injured her two kids, and then turned the gun on herself. According to the story this was after months of trying to get food stamps to feed her family. A sad picture of the desperation many are feeling here in America. I am sure this is not the last story like this we will see.


New Member
Wow, what a terrible story. It definitely is a sign of the times. Of course there were so many better solutions for this woman but I understand the feeling of desperation.


New Member
I read this today and it was super sad. I don't know what she was thinking - obviously she thought that she could not do it anymore. I really wish that the people that need help could get help!


New Member
I saw the update of this story, and both kids have now passed away. What a sad thing for the entire family. I believe the mother had a history of mental illness.


New Member
Wow, that is sad that both kids have passed away now. It's unfortunate that they had to suffer like that. I really do wish there was more help available to the people who need it. If she did have a history of mental illness she might have needed help in that area as well.


New Member
That's ridiculous behavior. Was she either so dense as to not know she could give her kids up and that they would be cared for by the State, or too selfish to take a step to ensure that they were protected?


New Member
That's ridiculous behavior. Was she either so dense as to not know she could give her kids up and that they would be cared for by the State, or too selfish to take a step to ensure that they were protected?
I agree with you, Babar. I would panhandle on the street and live in a cardboard box. Anything, except hurt my family! It's not that I have no tolerance or sympathy for the mentally ill, but I think situations like this are just disgusting.


New Member
That's ridiculous behavior. Was she either so dense as to not know she could give her kids up and that they would be cared for by the State, or too selfish to take a step to ensure that they were protected?
I don't think that what she did was right, but is not easy to ask for help, and it is not easy to get help (as evidenced by her situation) even if you do ask. I would have my kids live with me in a cardboard box, and panhandle on the street before I turned them over to the state to be forgotten, lost, or abused.


New Member
That is so sad. I have limited sympathy for the mother, as obviously she must have been mentally ill, but I really feel badly for those poor kids whose lives were cut so tragically short.


New Member
I haven't read this story on the news, but I'm wondering, where is the husband in all of this? Where are her relatives or friends? Knowing that the mother was mentally ill, shouldn't there be someone from her family to support and guide her? I can't comprehend why such tragic incident could happen, when it could have been prevented, had someone kind enough was there for the mother and the kids.


New Member
This was back in maybe November, and she was divorced. She was originally from up North somewhere, and she had moved to Texas so I assume her family no longer saw her regularly.


New Member
This is just really sad. This is one of those things you wish never happens, but did. Hopefully, people could learn a thing or two about this and treasure anyone and anything that they have in their lives right now.


New Member
There is always a better way to go about things, always. She attempted to take the easy way out here. Its not like everyone in the country is homeless and wandering the streets looking for shelter.