The Apprentice


New Member
The television reality show, "The Apprentice," is coming on again in February. Who here watches? I got hooked years ago and am debating whether or not to ditch it this year. The people have gotten to be pathetic.


New Member
I've never watched it, but I'm slightly intrigued from seeing so many clips of it the past few months. Donald Trump is a colorful character to say the least. Judging from your description, Michael, it seems to have gone downhill. Have they announced the contestants for this season?


New Member
Nope, too much drama for me. I do like a lot of Reality TV shows but The Apprentice is not one that I can stand. I hate Celebrity Apprentice even more. The celebrities need to grow up!


New Member
I just hate reality television so I never watch shows like this. Who wants to watch "real" life when they are trying to relax? I would much rather read a book, or do something outside.


New Member
This year is the first year that I have ever watched The Apprentice, because I assumed by the name that it would be boring. Boy, was I wrong! I've really enjoyed it this season, and NBC now has a new fan.