The Colony on Discovery Channel.


New Member
I caught the first season of this show where a group of people are stranded with minimal supplies, no running water, no electricity, and so on, and are left to try and make the best out of the situation. Now they are starting season 2 and I'm wondering how they will switch things up. I'll be watching.

The Colony : Discovery Channel


New Member
I have not seen that show but I guess it is pretty much the same as the SURVIVOR series? I mean.... those were harsh experiences too.


New Member
Well, not really. Survivor is a game to outlast and outwit. Yes, they have to come up with ways to get food and shelter. But, in the colony the group has to learn how to work together and their goal is to just about rebuild society. It's an interesting experiment.


New Member
I had not heard of this show before but I am going to be looking for it now. That sounds right up my alley. I also like Survivor man and Man vs. Wild a lot.


New Member
I like the concept. I especially like the fact that they're shooting it in an actual town, not some Hollywood back lot. It makes it look and feel more real.


New Member
The first episode was interesting, they are being exposed to hostile invaders much earlier than the group last season. The group had considered that there might have been others that could challenge them for their supplies, but they didn't do much to protect their food and medical stores. They paid a heavy price.


New Member
I just caught this show last week and searched out the episodes I missed. I think what made the biggest impression about the show was how serious the "survivors" were from the very beginning. I wonder if the period of isolation before the experiment puts them in that mindset.