The Learning Channel rant


New Member
How can a channel call themselves The Learning Channel (AKA TLC) and air shows like Honey Boo Boo, Toddlers and Tiaras and 19 Kids and Counting? What is anyone learning from these shows other than if you exploit your children you can make a living?


Staff member
They went away from the learning channel a long time ago. I have not seen anything learning about it. Sadly History channel is going the same way.


New Member
I have to agree with you Jason. I think the only truly educational channel left is NatGeo and even some of the shows on there are questionable. The problem is all of these bonehead "reality" shows.


New Member
It's sick! I wouldn't watch Honey Boo Boo if my life depended on it. How can any stations air this crap? The Learning Channel is gone! Some of the History channel shows are still pretty good.


New Member
People are just getting un-creative I think. They've run out of original ideas, and all we're left with is the reality T.V. type shows a lot of times.


New Member
I've heard The Learning Channel actually used to live up to its name, but I didn't have cable at that point. I'm sad to see the History Channel is losing quality too.


New Member
Thankfully, no one in the family cares anything about Honey Boo Boo. I don't think we have watched anything on The Learning Channel since the original members of Trading Spaces were on.


New Member
I really, really hate reality TV. I wouldn't let my kids watch those shows if they wanted to. I don't watch any of it and finally cut off the cable and went to a Roku. There is nothing on TV that I miss enough to pay the outrageous price our cable company charges.


New Member
I would watch Honey Boo Boo if I had cable, but ONLY because my wife and I actually went to school with her mama. I always liked 19 kids and counting, but it definitely isn't educational.