The nitty gritty

Dad Brad

New Member
I can't understand Donald Trump to save my life. He is touted as such a smart man, but he makes some of the dumbest moves I've ever seen. His karma doesn't do much for me, and I definitely don't like how he treats people.


New Member
I hear you, Dad Brad. Lately Trump seems to have gone completely off the deep end with this birther nonsense and his attempt to blackmail Obama into releasing random records.


New Member
Trump is a jerk - plain and simple. Not a big Obama fan either! Hey when you run for President or any kind of office it all comes out. Just the way it is.


New Member
I watched the show Trump had, is it still going? I remember the red headed lady but that is just because she reminds me of the wife, loud and in charge when she wants to be. I guess when you are Trump you can get away with a good bit.


New Member
The fact that he inhaled might be a reason to vote for him if he was more open to the idea of legalization. Instead he lied about that too just like everything else.


New Member
Donald Trump is nothing but a bully and a jerk. The fact that he is trying to blackmail the President into releasing his college records is ridiculous. What does he think is in there? I mean seriously he was a very well respected member of the Harvard community for goodness sakes and he actually made it there on his own merit which is more than I can say for the last Republican President who attended Yale as a legacy student who barely had the grades to get into a community college.

Bear, I am relatively certain that Obama repeatedly said he would not legalize marijuana but I could be wrong.