The sick box


New Member
This is a neat idea my wife came up with, and now ours is actually a shelf in the cabinet. You get everything you might need if you were sick like powerade, chicken soup, crackers, and ginger ale and keep it all together. We also have pedialyte for the kids and "special" spaghettios (like princess shapes) because we know that's something our kid will ALWAYS eat. This way if the whole house comes down with a stomach bug or the flu no one has to go to the store. We also keep the medicine cabinet stocked with tissues, cold and flu meds, pepto bismol etc. After having to go to the store after nearly dying of food poisoning, and in the midst of the flu I thought this was a great idea.


New Member
This is a really good idea. I can also remember times I felt like I was going to die, and having to run to the store for supplies. We are definitely doing this. If you have kids, it might also be a good idea to throw some treats in there like a new dvd or coloring book or something.


New Member
That is a good idea. I would have to keep it sealed in the basement pantry to keep the kids from getting in to the stuff when people were not sick.


New Member
Awesome idea! Paul since everything is non-perishable anyway how about making a spot in your closet for one of those plastic boxes with the lids?