Theme - should I get a vote?


New Member
So the crib went together very easy and it turned out great. Now she wants to paint the nursery and get everything ready. My only problem with this is that she does not want to know the sex of the baby and I do. How can we decorate the nursery without knowing? She said, doesn’t matter – it’s going to be Pooh. Wow, I don’t get a say at all. I probably shouldn’t care right? Being a manly man! Ha ! I was thinking more in the lines of a football or baseball theme.


New Member
I think you should get a vote - why not it's your child too. I don't think you should pick baseball or football without knowing if you are having a boy or girl!


Staff member
I would think you should get a vote. The wife tries to pull that sometimes, and I tell her no way. But I also have to pay all the bills, so I can stop that easily. Usually we agree on everything though. A few things I will not do is drilling stuff into the tile in the bathroom.