"Too Fat for 15"?


New Member
My daughter has been watching a program, Too Fat for 15, which follows a group of overweight kids at a boarding school on their journey to lose weight. She's always struggled with her weight and finds inspiration seeing that she's not alone. We try and suport her by doing physical activities and exercising as a family, and keeping healthy food in the house.

Do you have a child battling weight issues? How do you tackle this issue?


New Member
It's a shame that body image is so based on what is popular in the movies and shows on TV. I have always been fat and have always been teased by other kids. I have finally come to grips with my body image and I know my health means more than what I look like. My wife loves me as I am and my kids do too. As long as I stay healthy, I'm staying like I am and I wish we could teach kids this early so they wouldn't have so much trouble.


New Member
My sister was overweight as a child and she suffered long after the pounds were gone. I rarely think about her battles with eating disorders and body image these days but I know she feels she missed out on her childhood and teenage years as a result. If you are doing all you can to lead a healthy lifestyle then what else is there to try?


New Member
It sounds like your doing all you can. I was a chubby kid and it wasn't until almost high school that my body type changed. Even now, if I'm not active I can gain weight in a blink. I think focusing on a healthy lifestyle verses a certain body image is the best way to tackle it.


New Member
I agree with RD, being healthy is more important than being in good shape. However, some health conditions are often attributed to obesity. So, do exercises and maintain a healthy lifestyle (especially your eating habits) for improving your health instead of just for losing weight.


New Member
Not really but I think it's great that you are encouraging her to get active. I would say the next step is to get active with her. Go on bike rides, take walks, go out and take a class together (zumba or something - ok send her mom to that ).