Too old at 40!


New Member
It's awful to realize that you're too old for the workplace. My friend's son is only 40 but, since he lost his job last year, he has struggled to find anything else. From what he says, employers consider him too old! Whatever happened to experience counting for something?


New Member
At 40? Seriously? I would go with this if the son was 60 but not 40. What is this world coming to? I know a lot of 40 year old men that switched jobs with no problems. Heck 40 is the new 30!


New Member
A friend of mine just turned 41 and has had similar issues, the only thing that recently saved him was being bi-lingual and since he is in New York thankfully he was able to land a job pretty quick. I know others who are older that have just as hard of a time too.


New Member
I had the same experience myself! I wasn't even 40 yet (only 38) when I lost my job, but no one wanted to hire me after that. It was either I was "too old" or "over-qualified." The only companies willing to hire me were call centers, those that do surveys or market research.

With so many people applying for work, age is probably one of the deal-breakers companies are looking for in a candidate these days.


New Member
I hate the idea that age really has anything to do with what a person can do in any field. If they can do the job, over qualified or not, at least give them a chance to do so.


New Member
Older people command a higher wager because of their experience. They also have more health issues. In terms of profit, younger workers cost less. That's the reality.


New Member
It really depends in what job sector your work in. In some fields experience is a very valuable thing, in others it just means you're proficient in an outdated technology.