Tough Choices as a Father


New Member
Sometimes as a father you have to make hard choices. What is the toughest choice that you have had to make for the sake of your family?

For me it was cutting off all contact with my brother, who I found to be no good. He was bringing everybody down, including himself. I couldn't be around it.


New Member
Doing something that personal would take a toll on just about anyone I know and its not that common. Sometimes parents are set in a group of "they just do not do what they used to", non-parents do not get it at all.


New Member
I wouldn't go as far as to say that people who are not parents do not get the idea of sacrifice. Everybody has to sacrifice, sometimes it's just not for a child but for something just as important to them.

I think my most difficult decision was to move to a new area, closer to family so that family could help with childcare every so often.