Truck Exploding 39 Times!


New Member
Holy cow! What was on that truck that made it explode so many times? I didn't watch the whole video, but I saw the first five or six explosions.


New Member
I once witnessed an old storage of gas canister exploding. It was like a 4th of July fireworks non-stop for an hour or so.


New Member
I do not understand how the guy could stop dead stop that is, in the fast lane and not managed to get hit. I did not watch all of it myself but I get the idea of it. Who would stop though, if you are not a police or EMT why endanger yourself like that (and others on the road)?

On The Mark

New Member
It's just interesting to try to figure out what was on the truck. Explosions usually happen in quick succession. Those explosions were spaced pretty far apart.