TV Saved My Life


New Member
I recently saw a show on Discovery called "Discovery Saved My Life". Show talks about people that survived horrible accidents by implementing techniques they learned by watching the Discovery channel. You should check it out.


New Member
Discovery channel is really the best source of enjoyment for me. I can't imagine watching anything else that much. I feel there is no other television with quality such as theirs.


New Member
I find myself watching more and more television on channels such as Discovery, The History Channel, and HGTV. I don't know if I have learned anything that would actually save my life, but it's more interesting than most programming on regular tv.


New Member
I agree, Discovery really has interesting shows. They made a quantum leap with reality TV where it actually got useful to the viewer. Awful stuff like big brother only dulls your mind.


New Member
I love the Discovery channel too. We watch a lot of it here at my house. I have not heard of this one though, but I will look for it. Looks interesting enough, and you never know when you will be in a weird situation.