Un-teaching Gender Roles


New Member
I think it is great for a child to see a father staying at home while the mother or other partner is at work. It really shows that there are so many options open, they do not need to follow traditional gender roles.


New Member
I don't give a whole lot of thought to gender roles myself. My wife and I probably function in traditional type roles, but if anything ever changed I think we would both be fine with it.


New Member
I'm okay with staying at home with my kids. The problem is I bring home the bigger chunk of bread than my wife. If I become the stay-at-home-parent then we would be hurting with our financials.


New Member
That's an interesting idea. I think children should be thought from an early age that traditional gender roles can always be changed, in order to avoid prejudgments later on in life. The question is how to explain it to them when they come from the kindergarten and ask why other kids' daddies go to work while you stay at home.


New Member
The question is how to explain it to them when they come from the kindergarten and ask why other kids' daddies go to work while you stay at home.
I don't really understand what you would need to explain. There aren't that many "traditional" families anymore so I don't think it's necessary. Even if they did ask, just tell them that each family is different.


New Member
I don't really understand what you would need to explain. There aren't that many "traditional" families anymore so I don't think it's necessary. Even if they did ask, just tell them that each family is different.
I agree with you. Kids always ask questions but you just need to tell them what is really happening. Even at work today, ladies can do what men are doing like construction.


New Member
It's a pretty gender integrated society we live in today for the most part. I think what's most important to teach and role model is that people are people first, and male or female second.


New Member
It's a pretty gender integrated society we live in today for the most part. I think what's most important to teach and role model is that people are people first, and male or female second.
Even though gender is less a part of tradition in some homes, I think there is still a lot that society needs to work on. You're right though - we are people first, with feelings and emotion, and gender is less important.