Use it or lose it...vacation time.


New Member
At the place I work, we accumulate vacation time with each pay period. We can bank up to a certain ammount(max limits are set by how many years you have with the company) but at that point your time starts going into a sick bank that only gets used if your out for an extended period of time.

Here's my question, why would you let yourself get to that point? We have several people scrambling, looking to take a day off so they don't lose the time, but right now our staffing is low and it's hard. Have you ever lost vacation time in this manner? Do you make sure to use all your vacation time?


New Member
I always try to use as much of my vacation time as possible. If you don't use it, you lose it! However, sometimes when I do want to take off (and have a day available), I can't because too many of my coworkers are out.


New Member
I've never lost any of my vacation time before. I'm very careful to make sure I use it whenever I can. I mean, I work hard enough as it is, of course I want a day off asap lol!


New Member
I have never even been close to losing any vacation time. I am usually doing the math trying to figure out when I can take my next vacation. I work hard and need my breaks when I can get them.


New Member
I worked at a place once where it was this unwritten rule that you just don't take vacation and you just don't ever call in sick, even though those are earned benefits. Needless to say, the management was goofed up in other ways too....


New Member
I always try not to lose any of my vacation time. I work hard and always do what I am supposed to do, so I deserve it and I am good at getting what I deserve LOL.


New Member
Perhaps they cannot get the time off? I know a lot of people that request time off and they are denied because it is too busy or there are other people off. I can't think of any other reason why people would let the company they work for take back their vacation time. It's a benefit to you.


Staff member
I used to stack it up when I was single. But I would use it now with my family.

Jerry F

New Member
When I worked in the corporate world, I took every day I could and even took some days without pay. Of course we had a high stress job and we all could have used more days. I love vacation days.