warm food, on accident


New Member
We had a simple family gathering over the weekend but I have to say nothing was bad, except the food. It seems no one wanted to wait for us so they ate earlier, left all of the food outside in the heat and by the time we showed up everything was warm.


New Member
Were you guys really late or something? I mean I can understand them not waiting but you would think they would put the food away so it would not spoil. We usually put out one of those hard plastic baby pools full of ice for the cold foods when we have big gatherings.


New Member
I wouldn't have eaten it. You can get sick if you eat food that is not kept at the correct temperature. Did they have a set time to eat? We don't hold meals either if we set a time.


New Member
That sounds rather gross. You guys must have been quite late if the food had time to warm up like that.

I have a brother-in-law who is chronically late by 2 hours or more, so we never wait for him before eating.