Weird dreams!


New Member
Do you have crazy dreams ever? Do you even remember your dreams? I don't usually, but these past few nights I've been waking really early after dreaming that I'm in a crowd of people and I've lost my wallet. It's a different scenario every time, but I'm always searching, and I know that I've lost something! Crazy!


New Member
I had a dream the other night that my daughter was drawing all over the wall with markers and my wife was telling her (and me) it was okay because it would wash off. I think we all have crazy dreams sometimes.

On The Mark

New Member
I've been getting better sleep lately, more solid, and I've noticed that I'm remembering my dreams more. Most of them center around a certain female and, while they may differ between good and bad, they're not overly so. They come across as being healthy somehow.


New Member
My ex is always telling me about her crazy dreams, but she is a believer of all things weird and thinks her flat is haunted. I'm quite spiritual and like to think that dreams mean something but, she goes overboard!


New Member
I dream frequently. Some nights I dream all night long, but then I wake up exhausted. My dreams fade from memory pretty quickly once I wake up, though.


New Member
I have always remembered most of my dreams unless I am really, really tired when I go to bed. My dreams are always really vivid too.