Weird looks ang getting hit on!


New Member
Weird looks and getting hit on!

Every time I pick my son up at his HeadStart class or any other activity I take him to, all that's ever there is women and they look at me like I have two heads. That is the ones who aren't looking at me like a dog eying the last pork chop! I seem to be the only single dad around here and it's really kind of creepy with these women.
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New Member
I have the same issue when I go grocery shopping or run errands with my son. All the women have been too lonely or don't have decent enough husbands, I guess.


New Member
It's been awhile since I've been looked at that way so frankly I'm a bit jealous (not that my wife would appreciate it), but if it happens as much as you say, that would creep me out too.


New Member
Victor, I didn't mind at first as I was a bit flattered but now I feel like the fox surrounded by the hunters. Many of the women are also single and I feel like they see me as daddy material.


New Member
Haha, this discussion made me chuckle. I have never been a single dad, but I can imagine how it feels to be single and get this kind of look.


New Member
I have never been a single dad either but I am a stay at home dad so I end up taking my daughter to all of her activities. I know how you feel because those ladies can get creepy when they are looking at you like a juicy steak.


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I remember years ago when my niece had a baby anytime my wife held the little man he would cry and cry. It never happened with anyone else, now of course they are best buds and she is his favorite aunt. Go figure.


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It's weird how once a woman starts to become desperate, they become like man-repellant, haha! If they would just chill out, they would probably find somebody, and not creep guys out.

I think women don't learn these things, because they are usually in demand. Then when that day comes when they are no longer in demand, they don't know how to act. I think guys usually start out, not knowing what women like, we have to learn to be cool at an early age. Women have to learn to be cool once they aren't young and hot anymore.


New Member
Women can be desperate when they see some prime meat that is a good father. Most of them for whatever reason thin their children's fathers are deadbeats, so when they see you, they are envious.

Bask in the glory!


New Member
Seriously now, does it bother you? For me, it only becomes an issue if I am also beginning to be attracted to them and I am still married. In which case, I will just have to smile back and fight the temptation to pursue.

But, when I am single, everyone's fair game.


New Member
If you're a single dad, haven't you ever considered maybe getting to know one of these women? I'm sure there's at least one who isn't interested in you as just a good father. I'm sure you're also attractive to them physically and they'd like to get to know you.