What breaks your heart?


New Member
I remember the first time my girl went on a date and told me that she wanted a boyfriend but I ended up getting over it quick. She tends to have the same gene her mother does for picking good men and not taking anything from just any yahoo.

Has there been anything that other dads have? It seems "dating" is always the top thing that gets under our skin with our little girls.


New Member
Dating would be my answer too. Not just my daughter though. My son too! He is more interested in girls than shooting hoops with me anymore!


New Member
I'm sure dating will be when the time comes. Right now I hate to see it when other kids upset her when she is just trying to be nice. I understand they are all very young and learning social skills but it's still hard to watch sometimes.


New Member
I have years to go before my daughter will start bringing home boys, but I am already worried about it. The current thing that breaks my heart is when she gets in a mood and doesn't want to hug or kiss me. She's finding her independence, I get that, but her little defiant mood swings make me sad.


New Member
That bothers me sometimes too, Salazar, but I try to remember that she is her own person. I certainly don't always feel like hugging or kissing so I can understand why she might not.


New Member
My daughter's first "real" bra. I'm telling ya, the rest isn't far behind. Next will be the dating and boys calling then prom and....I don't want to even talk about the rest.


New Member
It stings a bit when my 15 year old daughter doesn't want to spend so much time with the rest of the family anymore. She'd rather be in her room or outside with her friends. She also doesn't want to be hugged or kissed like she used to. I hope this is just a phase because there are days that I really do miss my little girl.


New Member
Knowing my little girl won't be my little girl forever is what breaks my heart. I know she can't stay young forever, but that doesn't help much sometimes. I look at the world around me sometimes and I just want to keep her safe and innocent forever.