What do they call you?


New Member
I have seen so many different step-families and each one seems to work differently. I know that in some families the step-dad is just 'dad.' Sometimes they use the first name. What works in your family?


New Member
My step son calls me dad once in a while and my name the other times. I'm ok with this - he has a dad still that is in the picture. He asked his dad if it was ok to call me dad too and he said yes.


New Member
I am stuck with Paps and have no idea where it first came from, everyone calls me that now though so its not just for the kids. Guess I just looked like a Paps. :)


New Member
My friend's step son calls him by his first name. He doesn't mind since he understands that his step son has a good relationship with his biological dad and does not want to challenge that.