What memories of your father do you have?


New Member
I sit with my dad at the same table today and crack jokes like agemates. The situation twenty years ago was different. I got used to the disciplinarian in him that I could never imagine the jolly side ever existed.

He was the no-nonesense type but I know he meant well for me. Right now he looks at me and smiles(or so I hope).


New Member
It is always difference once you are an adult, a true adult from what I have seen myself. I can still joke with some people that are 20-30+ my senior but everything tends to change for the simple and related ways when you get to the point in your life the way "others always have". :)


New Member
My father passed away when I was still 10 year old. I am closer to my mother but I love the ways to teach me things. He taught me not to smoke by letting me suck the cigarette the wrong way and I ended up filling my lungs with smoke.


New Member
I also have a strict father and never would I have imagined the relationship we have today, back in my childhood. I could not wait until college to be out from under his rule. He taught me how to be a respectable person though and for that I am thankful. Today I still talk to him about once a week and we make time to hang out and do stuff like fishing and hunting.


New Member
It is said that sons bond better with their mums. It was the same with me until she passed away in my late teens. I had to get used to my dad and the best time to relate is when you are out of his and independent.

We talk occassionally but the guidance he has extended right from childohood cannot be understated.