When Do You Call The Mom??

Ramblin' Ron

New Member
There have been times in my life when my kids have gotten on my last nerve and I was going to blow if my wife didn't rescue me. Of course she has too. We figure it's a tag team event and we try our best to bail each other out when we know we've had enough. Do you ever do this?


Staff member
Yeah, we do. With the wife being pregnant she is snappy lately. So the daughter and I have been spending a lot of time together. But when work calls, the wife will take over.


New Member
Oh my yes. Parents are only human anyway. You can't always be the perfect parent. If you didn't occasionally need a break, I would worry. I have her mother nearby too if my little one is getting on my nerves. She will come over in an instant if I call her and she is fantastic about helping out. I know most guys don't like their mother in law but mine has pulled my fat out of the fire many times.


New Member
For sure, I will call in any and all reinforcements when I feel like I'm going to lose it. Usually my wife is pretty sensitive to heading that type of situation off before I even have to put up the white flag.


New Member
There are some parts of raising our daughter that I'm better at, and some parts that my wife is better at. We recognize that and go from there.


New Member
I did not help nearly enough with our kids. I never got why my wife was in such a bad mood until I realized that it wasn't a walk in the park and she needed a break. Now I give her that.


New Member
I work a lot so I'm usually the one who has to do the rescuing. By the time I get home at night she's typically ready to pull her hair out so I'll take a quick shower and jump in to give her a break.