When do you introduce?


New Member
If you are dating someone, when is appropriate to introduce her to your child? I'm not in anything serious right now, so I haven't brought anyone to meet him. In the future though I'd like to, even if it's not serious, but just extra company.


New Member
Well, it all depends on the person. I think I would give someone at least a month or two before introducing them to the kids. But this is tough when generalizing like this.


New Member
I guess it would all depend on how old your child is and how he/she behaves around other people. Every kid is different and these are the kind of things that only you can decide, you can maybe ask his/her opinion on the matter to.


Staff member
I would think I would not do it until I felt comfortable with the child, and the new partner getting along and felt that the new partner may be a keeper. But it is tough to say honestly until I'm in that position.