"Where are the jobs?"


New Member
For somebody a couple of years ago to be giving the President grief about "Where are the jobs, Mr. President, John Boehner sure has done NOTHING in the House to create jobs. So aggravating!


New Member
I feel the same way that you do. It's sick to me! Then again it's sick to me that Mr. President is NOT creating jobs either. He is the head honcho! He needs to create them as well.


New Member
I agree that it is everyone! Not just the President but the house and Congress too! It makes me sick that our economy is still in the tank! Something has to give!


New Member
If you look at some of the recent legislation that "Boner" has put at the top of the priority list, it has nothing to do with alleviating the jobs crunch. I don't know what more the President can do about an obstructionist Congress. The people have to get more involved to break the sick gridlock.


New Member
They are too busy creating debt to worry about creating jobs. Think about it, when the president leaves the office what does he get? A retirement and a nice setup wherever he wants. What do we get? Their debt in our taxes.


New Member
The President has asked Congress to approve a .7 percent raise in taxes on the top 1 percent of wealthiest Americans as part of his jobs program. This minuscule increase would barely be a drop in the bucket for the wealthy, and it would pay for the costs involved with passing the Jobs Act.