Which is better?


New Member
Apple juice or orange juice? We have had this long debate for years now but neither of us plan to cave up which we think. I prefer more OJ than the wife and she prefers the apple juice instead. Is one really better than the other?


New Member
I can't imagine either is better than the other. Obviously orange juice contains vitamin C which helps but both are classed as one of your 5 a day.


New Member
I find apple juice to be better because it's great at any time of the day and tends to taste lighter. You can only really drink orange juice in the morning or as part of a cocktail without it tasting off or weird.


New Member
I don't think OJ tastes weird throughout the day. I prefer OJ because apple juice gives me an upset stomach. My wife is the same, it makes her go to the bathroom.


New Member
They are both fruit juices and contain Vit C. I would think its really a matter of taste. I prefer OJ in the morning and would have apple juice with the afternoon snack.


New Member
I'll go for the apple juice simply because OJ will give me a acidic stomach when consumed in an empty stomach. When it comes to vitamins, I think the apple juice does have more types of vitamins compared to OJ.

R. Paradon

New Member
I enjoy both of them and actually prefer the taste of apple juice...but...anymore than a small gl*** it acts like a laxative for me.


New Member
I like Tropicana in the morning. I like orange juice in general mostly because of the taste and because of the Vitamin C. Apple juice has Vitamin C added also, but I've always been more apt to go for Orange Juice.


New Member
Which is better in terms of nutritional value or taste? Orange juice contains more vitamin C, although apple juice does contain a decent amount of vitamin C. For taste it is subjective, I would probably go for apple but I like both.


New Member
I've honestly never thought about this question before. :) I suppose it depends on my mood or probably the time of day. Orange juice tastes better than apple juice in the morning with breakfast, for me personally. Apple juice is more of a "rest of the day" juice because I love drinking apple juice with my meals, but it just doesn't taste right at breakfast. I guess because OJ tastes like a good boost in the morning.