Why do people wait til 4:00??


New Member
Every single day this week I have been bombarded with stuff to do at 4:00. What's up with that? I try to leave work between 4:00 and 4:30 and it seems like people save this stuff until I'm ready to walk out the door. Unfortunately, the 4:00 chaos is coming from the higher ups so it's not like I can tell them no or leave it until the next day.


New Member
That stinks! I hate it when co-workers (higher-ups or not) do that kind of thing. I think it's just disrespectful if they know what time you leave everyday!


New Member
Sometimes it's unavoidable. As one of those higher ups at one time who used to do that to my employees, I know for me it wasn't by choice or to be inconsiderate. I used to dump international shipping items on my shipping department at the end of the day all the time because it was stuff I had been working on the entire day that were time sensitive. It still sucks no matter the reason, though. If it makes you feel any better, even the higher ups get work dumped on them at the end of the day. Used to happen to me from the CEO all the time, and I'd end up working until 8-9 PM. Glad I left that job. :)


New Member
Yeah, it does stink but hopefully things will slow down for you around 4:00. They probably know they had better catch you before you leave!


New Member
Do you start work earlier than normal people? I work 8-5 for my job and most times I do not get out of the office until 15 after but that is just me, some nights I might not get out until 7.


New Member
I hear you and I hate it. Most of the higher ups at my workplace start work around 11 and stay until 7 or 8pm. I refuse to change my hours and I think its wrong that they ask me to. I get a lot of requests later in the day too!


New Member
It may surprise you but many people are in fact, lazy tools in the work office. It really does not matter if you actually work in an office or not, there are always those who wait until the last minute thinking its okay to do.