Wife Issues


New Member
A friend's wife is okay most of the time, but she has extended family issues and gets very negative and mean-mouthed toward him when her family does things that hurt her. I really feel for him. I'd hate to be the object of such negativity. I don't know what to advise him to do, except to save himself and leave her or move far enough away from her family that she doesn't have any contact with them, except for an occasional phone call. Anyone have any suggestions?


New Member
C'mon, what about his wife? You said that her problem has nothing to do with her husband. I'm surprised that so many people immediately suggest a break up or divorce when a partner has a problem. What happened to plain old "I'll be there for you"?


New Member
If he's going to stay with her and can, I think moving away from her family is the thing to do. I wouldn't continue to take the brunt of her disappointments and hurts that they cause. Essentially, it sounds like she is verbally and emotionally abusive to your friend. That's something no one should have to withstand.


New Member
Other than family counsellings, I think the best solution is to advise the wife to stay away from her family members that cause her trouble. If I were him, I'd definitely have a talk with her and let her know that I don't appreciate the way she treats me. I'm sure a lot can be achieved by calmly talking things over...


New Member
Stay with her? It sounds like she is berating her husband when she is around family. You can not like your family but you should never take it out on your spouse. I would talk to her and tell her to knock it off or it's over.