Wintertime Activities for a 3 year old


New Member
While the older two kids were at school I used to take my 3 year old to the park after we did the chores. Now it is getting a bit to cold for that. What are some other activities I can do with her?


New Member
How about a special art project for the two of you like fingerpaints, modeling clay, or playdough. You could also make a snack for when the two older kids get home from school.

the saint

New Member
Perhaps you can get some coloring books and crayons too. There are also story books available. You can also buy those old fashioned letter blocks...


New Member
Just get down on the floor and play. Blocks, were always a favorite at that age. We also loved beginner board games like Candyland and Memory. I used to love playdough, but my wife never appreciatted the mess we made.:rolleyes:


New Member
Oh those are some good ideas. I am starting a shopping list now. I forgot all about board games! I would love to play candy land and memory with her!


New Member
How about Barbies? I've already been doing the Barbie thing with my little one. She loves it. She's talking about a Barbie house. Do they make a Barbie house? I was thinking of adding to her collection at Christmas time.