Working Abroad


New Member
My company is sending me to work abroad for a month. It's a nice offer for me to learn more and improve my career. Being a father, I'm not sure if I can work without seeing my family. One month is not a joke. If you're in my part, what will you do? Accept the offer or not?


New Member
Oh that is sad! I would not be able to do it. Call me a pansy but I love my family and I don't want to be without them for a month. Even if it was a lot of money, I wouldn't do it.


New Member
My brother works across the country, literally, from his family. He gets paid $27 per hour with perdiem for living expenses. He sees them on long weekends and holidays. Not sure if I think even that's worth the time away.


New Member
I love my family but that sounds like a great yet rare opportunity. If I were you, I think I would take it. One month is not that long. You would miss them and they would miss you as well, but there are telephones, VoIP, emails, YM which you can use to communicate with them anytime.