WWE and kids


New Member
How old do you think a boy should be before he is allowed to start watching the WWE? My son begs me to let him watch it, I am just not sure if he is old enough for that yet.


New Member
I shouldn't be commenting on this post. I am not a fan of either WWE or boxing. I have always thought of them as too violent. I have seen some people that let their kids watch it practically from birth. If I had to choose an age, I would say between 8 and 10 depending on how well your kids understand that is not right to fight that way and that it is only a show.


New Member
I'm with Daddy. It's not really the violence that bothers me, but I just don't get the hype. It's all so staged and silly looking. Anyway, that's just me. I would also agree with Daddy about the age. 10 seems like a good age.


New Member
Why just a boy? My better half ended up growing up with WWE in her life all the time with her dad being such a huge fan. She went to shows too but that was back in the day before we had so many restrictions for what age a child should be for this and that.