Low Birth Rates

On The Mark

New Member
I just heard that the birth rate among women is the lowest since they started keeping records of this back in 1909. Something like only 1 in 63 women that are of child bearing age, 18 to 44 I think, actually did give birth. Is this a good thing or a bad thing?


New Member
I guess it depends on who it effects. For the world, it just might be a good thing. A lot of people contend that the world is overpopulated for the resources that are available. For the children, I'd have to say it's probably a good thing, if it means that those who don't want children aren't having them. We definitely don't need more unwanted babies to end up abused or neglected.


New Member
That seems like a pretty high number. Maybe women are waiting too long to have children and then find out it's too late? I've heard the older you are the harder it is to have that first child.


New Member
I guess it depends on who it effects. For the world, it just might be a good thing. A lot of people contend that the world is overpopulated for the resources that are available. For the children, I'd have to say it's probably a good thing, if it means that those who don't want children aren't having them. We definitely don't need more unwanted babies to end up abused or neglected.
Yes, it could be good. On the other hand, if the birth rate gets too low, you end up with a smaller population trying to support a larger older population and such a top-heavy situation can lead to its own problems.


New Member
Good point, Victor. I believe that's what we're seeing here in the US with the social security mess. Couple the lower birth rates with the increasing lifespan and it's definitely a recipe for disaster.