Recent content by Babar

  1. B

    Pictures on Christmas Cards

    I don't see the big deal either way, so long as the picture taking event doesn't go on for hours. If all you have to do is get in front of the lens and smile, you can "grin and bear it" to make her happy on this simple matter, no?
  2. B

    Is washing the dishes an appropriate chore for an eight year old?

    No dishwasher?! I think it depends on the individual child's strength/responsibility...obviously a lot of kids are going to do a half-job of scrubbing the dishes, which would basically defeat the point of having them wash them.
  3. B

    What's so great about having kids, again?

    Don't you realize that kids raised by parents who don't actually want them have a much higher chance of growing up to be screwed up? You're putting your daughter in a worse position than giving her up for adoption would be. At least then she would have a fighting chance at getting adopted by...
  4. B

    Which is better?

    I find apple juice to be better because it's great at any time of the day and tends to taste lighter. You can only really drink orange juice in the morning or as part of a cocktail without it tasting off or weird.
  5. B


    That sounds like a great idea to teach kids responsibility and get things done while still having fun. My kids have always been fond of mowing the lawn and the like, so there are no issues here.
  6. B

    What to do if you feel the mother's punishment is too harsh?

    How to discipline should be a mutual agreement among both parents. If your wife is consistently being too hard on your child, it's time to have a talk with her. If she won't budge, the child might respect your authority over hers, so speak over her.
  7. B

    Multitasking Skills

    While I can multitask, I feel the quality of one or more of the activities involved has to suffer a bit. I only really multitask when it comes to things that don't require my full attention.
  8. B

    Son wants to go military after HS

    I would suggest the Air Force instead; it has a lot more "perks", and life is generally more comfortable. The military is a good move for getting an education, establishing a reputable work history, travel opportunities, etc., but many members grow tired of the B.S. policies and get out after a...
  9. B

    He hears you when he's sleeping...

    I just read an interesting, recently released article on Yahoo! about how it's suspected that babies can still hear their parents fighting even when they are asleep. What are your thoughts on this? I think two parents shouldn't be "yelling" to fight in the first place, sleeping tot or not.
  10. B

    Who here would disown their children...

    If someone would disown their child over that, they are a bad parent, hands down. I can't imagine a very justified circumstance for disowning your offspring in the first place, but if there were, it would be because that child HARMED others, and being gay doesn't HARM anything (accept maybe a...
  11. B

    Colorado Shooting

    I would only talk about it if he expresses concern/asks about it. Reassure him that it is very statistically unlikely that anything that horrible in nature would ever happen to you as a family, 'cause it's true.
  12. B

    Are You a Victim of Parental Alienation?

    My mother did this to my father, and it cost me my whole childhood with him. She claimed having "good reason", and perhaps she did, but I find it ironic that she's now married to someone else and getting mad at her husband's ex-wife for doing the same exact thing she did when it comes to her kids.
  13. B

    Would you treat you son with Growth Hormone therapy?

    How can they really accurately predict your son's final height when he's still quite a few years away from puberty? I wouldn't worry too much, unless he has a proven medical condition. Sometimes the "runts" end up being taller than those who had a growth spurt...this was the case for me!
  14. B

    pets and kids

    Yes, we also have this rule because we like to be as clean as we can be when we go to bed. Climbing into a bed full of hair and drool would kind of contradict that.
  15. B

    Would you consider an abortion if it would help your spouse?

    I always compare the abortion issue to baking a cake. If you have flour, sugar, eggs and oil sitting on the counter, is that a cake? Of course not; those are just the ingredients for a is just a "potential" cake. It is only when it's been cooking in the oven for an hour and you have a...