Recent content by Millman

  1. M

    Moring talk shows

    I can take them or leave them. I don't watch them too often because of my work schedule, so when I do, they don't bother me. Sometimes they get a little silly, but so do the late night talk shows.
  2. M

    Getting enough sleep

    Now that the kids are a bit older and on regular schedules, I can say I get more sleep. My wife handles the mornings, so I can sleep a bit longer and take my time getting ready for work. Then I handle things on the weekend so she can catch up a bit.
  3. M


    How much did you baby-proof your house when your little one became mobile. We did outlets, cabinets, and got choking hazards and fragile stuff out of reach. What else did you do?
  4. M

    She's talking ballroom dancing again...

    Ugh, every time Dancing With the Stars starts up, my wife starts hinting around the two of us taking a ballroom dancing class together. I don't know how long I can dodge this topic without getting myself in trouble. Anyone here ever take or consider taking a dance class?
  5. M

    What do you cook...

    I am the grill man. So if the weather is tolerable, I can throw something on the grill and take care of dinner in a heartbeat. However, inside the house, it's only quick and easy or take-out.
  6. M

    Extra car seat

    You can try a second-hand children's store. We have several in our area thst will buy used clothes, toys and furniture that's in good condition and re-sell it at resonable prices. Other than that, you could try garage sales.
  7. M

    Drive-In anyone?

    I'm pretty sure that all the drive-ins in our area closed several years ago. I did manage to go to one with a group of friends when I was in high school and we had fun. It was different.
  8. M

    Kids and martial arts.

    My wife says she want to put our two boys, ages 6 and 9, in a karate class. I don't really have a problem with it, but I was just wondering if kids this age really get alot out of these classes?
  9. M


    I watched it, then I missed it for a while and then I picked it up again in like the last couple of seasons. I know missed some stuff in there somewhere. I may have to do the Netflix thing as well.
  10. M

    Wii will change you life!

    My family really loves our Wii and your right, it does work you out. When I first started using it, just playing some games with the kids, I was surprised how sore my arms were.
  11. M

    The Mess

    That is one mess that I would not want to wake up to. A couple times when our kids were little they beat us awake and decided that they were going to fix us breakfast. It's amazing the mess that even frozen waffles, OJ and toast can make.
  12. M

    College kids and spring break.

    I don't have to worry about this for a while, but my sister is going through this with her oldest daughter now. You are right, you can't stop her. But, you can tell her of your concerns and give her some guidance, maybe even ask her to check in with you a couple times a day...or at least once...
  13. M


    I just saw a video that I hadn't seen of the actual tsunami moving in through a neighborhood. It just kept coming faster and faster....unbelievable. Then to see the before and after pictures just knocks the wind out of you.
  14. M

    I don't want to push her

    She is looking for reassurance and as long as you are sure you're up to the challenge, you need to give it to her. But, be honest and realistic with yourself, that the changes are going to be doable for you. You don't want to end up resenting her for the extra time she might be out of the house.
  15. M

    Refinance or modification, is there a difference?

    My wife has been thinking that maybe we could refinance and see if maybe we could lower our monthly payments. What is a loan modification, is it different than refinancing?