Recent content by Paul1960

  1. P

    Managing Stress

    What do you do to keep your stress levels in check? My daughter works a highly stressful job and according to my son-in-law, it's taking quite a toll on her and their family. When he asked for my advice, I said she needed to find a way to manage her stress, but this is easier said than done. Any...
  2. P

    Wife Taller?

    No, my wife is about 4 inches shorter than I am. But I'm 5'11" and I've never met any women who were taller than myself. (But I know they're out there.) However, if I had met a woman who was my height or taller - before I got married - I don't think her height would have been a turn-off.
  3. P

    Facebook Cheating?

    If you have a conversation with a woman other than your wife, and your wife had that same conversation with another man, and the idea of HER having that conversation with another man upsets YOU, then it's cheating. To make it even simpler, do unto your wife as you would have her do unto you...
  4. P

    Your children's opinions

    We didn't take our kids' opinions into consideration when we were having children. We knew before we got married that we wanted two children, and anything our children might have said against that would not have changed our minds about it. After the first child was born, even if he had said he...
  5. P

    Going Back to School

    I am retired now but I've been thinking about going back to school to learn a trade of some type, in the hopes that once I graduate I can work part-time and supplement my retirement. Has anyone else done this?
  6. P

    Not a lot of help

    In the state I live in, when a divorce occurs the MOTHER almost ALWAYS ends up with the children, so naturally all of the single-parent aid provided by the state is geared towards women. It's unfortunate but there's a stereotype that the mother cares more about her children than the father, so...
  7. P

    Special gift for the wife

    My wife wanted me to help out more around the house, so instead of buying her something after each child was born, I took over cooking and cleaning until she went back to work.
  8. P

    When Do You Know?

    As a husband of 30+ years, I would agree with this above anything else. If your wife (or husband) stops caring, the relationship is over.
  9. P

    Gyms vs. Home Workouts

    Do you workout regularly? If so, do you prefer to workout at the gym, or would you rather workout at home? We had a family gym membership for a couple years, but when the contract expired, we decided to create our own little "mini gym" at home. Now we just workout in our living room.
  10. P


    We recycle cans for money, too. We bought a can crusher years ago and we've actually been through several since then, lol. Seriously, it's a great way to make money on the side if you have room to store the cans until you've got enough to recycle. We bought several large trash cans from the...
  11. P

    Any advice to share?

    I was a stay-at-home dad when my kids were in high school, and I'd say the best part of being a stay-at-home dad was having so much more time to spend with them than I'd had when I was working full time. The down side was the cabin fever, lol. It didn't take long at all for me to get sick of...
  12. P

    Health and pregnancy

    I'd get a second opinion first. If two different doctors both agreed that pregnancy was a risky undertaking, I'd try talking to my wife about adopting. There are so many kids out there that need good homes and it's really sad how many of them have to grow up in Orphanages.
  13. P

    The Dreaded Doctor's Visit

    I don't know about other fathers out there, but I DREAD going the the doctor's office. I don't know why, I just always have. My wife says it's like pulling teeth trying to get me to go, and now that I'm getting older, it's become even more important for me to go on a regular basis. How do...
  14. P

    Spring Cleaning

    When we are spring cleaning, I focus mostly on the outside of the house, like cleaning out the gutters, cutting back branches that have grown to close to the house, and cleaning out the barn. My wife focuses more on the inside of the house, shampooing the carpet and vacuuming the spider webs out...
  15. P

    Supporting Wife During Pregnancy

    My wife didn't do lamaze classes when she was pregnant, but she did have some horrible mood swings and food cravings. One minute she was fine, then the next she was in tears, then a minute after that she was fine again. I just tried to go with the flow, comfort her when she cried, listen when...