Recent content by Ralphie

  1. R

    Within the budget?

    Have you managed to stay within the budget you set for buying Christmas gifts this year? So far we have been able to stay under budget.
  2. R

    Birthday gift for wife

    First of all, don't panic. Whatever you decide to get her, make sure it is something "girly", feminine and personal, and not something related to any kind of domestic chore.
  3. R

    Ear piercing

    People from different cultures seem to have different views on this. Ultimately, though, the choice to pierce a young child's ears is that of the parents an no one else.
  4. R

    Worst gift

    My aunt made these hand knitted sweaters for us one year. She wasn't very good at knitting or at picking colors people looked good in. She made me a purple one.
  5. R

    Dealing with some PTSD issues

    I have a friend who was stationed over in Iraq for two tours of duty who was assigned to do inspections for roadside bombers. He's dealing with some PTSD issues. It's hard to watch.
  6. R

    Firefighters watch as house burns to the ground

    In that state there is a fee that people are to pay if they want municipal fire protection. I guess some people roll the dice and figure the odds are in their favor, so they opt to save a little money and not pay it.
  7. R

    Public school

    We have a very good public school system where we live. In fact, we made the choice on where to live based on the reputation that our school district has.
  8. R

    Tired of "nice guys"

    I think, then, that I am really glad we decided to drop our cable service. From the sounds of things, we are not really missing much by not watching TV. (Real life is entertaining enough!)
  9. R

    It's only been a week

    Everywhere you go they've got the Christmas tunes playing non-stop since the day after Thanksgiving. It's only been a week, and I'm maxed out on it!
  10. R

    Is anything cheap anymore?

    The price of oil affects the price of everything else. If this country would just bite the bullet and make the switch to bio fuels, we would be way ahead.
  11. R

    Unemployment Drops to 8.6%

    The unemployment rate came down from 9 percent to 8.6 percent in the US for November. It was expected to remain at 9 percent, so I'd say it's good news.
  12. R

    Some of each?

    When shopping for your immediate family for Christmas, do you get them "necessities" or something that is a luxury or just for enjoyment? Some of each?
  13. R

    Make ahead potatoes a bust

    Well, look on the bright side. Think of all the calories you didn't consume by throwing the left over ones away! Or did you put extra gravy on them to get them down?
  14. R

    I thought the holidays were about cheer and kindness?

    So you don't think the season is about the "stuff"? Well, you're WRONG! (JUST KIDDING!!) Who would want a gift someone had to pepper spray others to get??
  15. R

    Don't be annoying!

    A woman in labor, by definition, is already very annoyed. It almost doesn't matter what the father does, she will be annoyed. Your purpose is for her to have someone to be annoyed at!