Recent content by SamMo

  1. S

    Life Insurance?

    My wife has a company pension that would give me a widowers pension should anything happen to her, but she's younger than me so I don't expect that to happen. Unfortunately I don't have anything so she has bombed out there. I couldn't possibly afford any now at my age.
  2. S

    Cleaning frenzy

    Does your wife ever get into a cleaning frenzy? She said she'd been dreaming of spiders in the cupboards so as soon as we'd done with breakfast my wife went through the whole house washing, scrubbing and polishing. I did offer to help but only got in the way!
  3. S

    Teaching Kids to Drive

    My daughter wouldn't allow me to teach her because I shouted at her too much! I admit that I used to be a very impatient and stressed out person but I have mellowed.;)
  4. S

    Pierced ears

    I know lots of men with pierced ears and piercings elsewhere as well but I'm not keen on them myself. I'd say it's a bit dangerous when you're still at school, and some schools don't allow the wearing of jewellery.
  5. S


    My daughter got one when she was sixteen but she didn't tell her mum or me, she just went with a friend and had it done. It's in a place that isn't obvious so it was months before we knew!
  6. S

    Would your wife do this?

    According to this article, even women like Marilyn Monroe and Liz Taylor used to shave their faces. If you catch your wife borrowing your razor you'll know why!:D
  7. S

    Closings & Delays

    You know, I just don't remember schools closing because of snow years ago when my kids were young. I do recall myself sitting in my classroom wearing a coat, scarf and hat as it was very cold, but I suppose there are a lot more health and safety laws now.
  8. S

    Pink hair!

    I've seen everything now. My 13 year old niece and her 16 year old brother have both been allowed to dye their hair pink!:eek: I'm just old fashioned I suppose!
  9. S

    I can't imagine!

    I divorced after more than twenty years of marriage but I think we just got married too young and because our parents wanted it. Then we stayed together until the kids were grown. I'm very happy with my current wife though!
  10. S

    Something Unique For Valentine's Day

    We have a meal booked. We went to our local for a quiet drink and my wife spotted the special menu they are doing for Valentines and she fancied it so much we booked up there and then.
  11. S

    Wife get your something?

    Speaking of cupcakes, my daughter has just started a home business selling them and brought some for us to sample last weekend! I like to send my wife flowers as a gift for many occasions but I also send them for no particular reason, just because I love her.
  12. S

    An "F"!!

    I would expect his tutors to have some idea about what is going on, especially if he is normally good at this subject, so I would have a word with them first.
  13. S

    Breathing in mould spores

    My wife just told me that she's cleaned a patch of black stuff from the inside of one of our cupboards. I figure that this was mould and I'm a little concerned that she may have breathed some spores. How would she know if there is a detrimental effect?
  14. S


    Every time I get the flu (the wife says it's just a cold!) I have to curl up on the sofa with a blanket over me. It's the only way I can feel comfortable, but this does mean my wife bringing me drinks, food etc.:D
  15. S

    Pot roasted brisket with paprika.

    I'm expecting the family tomorrow and I've bought a piece of brisket that I have offered to cook in our slow cooker. I know pastrami is brisket with paprika so I'm guessing that paprika would be a good spice to add. Can anyone confirm before I make a huge mistake?