Recent content by the saint

  1. T

    Son asking questions again

    You did great! Whenever a new baby comes, sibling jealousy and rivalry gets in the way of peaceful coexistence. Children should understand that they are all loved equally.
  2. T

    Time and place

    Don't expect a toddler to understand what manners are. To avoid any embarrassing situation, don't let him see or hear anything that you don't want others to know about.
  3. T

    Dealing with bullies

    As much as possible, I ask them to avoid the bullies or be in good terms with them. Fighting them, or reporting them to the teachers will make it worse, especially if the bullies win the fight.
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    I agree that it is time to visit the doctor if you feel horrible. It's better to know earlier what it is all about so you can prevent it getting worse. Good luck with the doctor's appointment.
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    Smart mouth!

    When we were children we were told not to talk back. Nowadays, kids have more freedom than we did, but and we parents, are more tolerant of their behavior. However, their moral values get lost along the way.
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    Waiting to conceive.

    A friend of mine had the same problem, and the doctors did not find anything wrong. It was just a matter of having more rest and not think too much about it. They finally did it after two years.
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    Adult content on the internet.

    My firewall is on and I always check the browser's history to see where they go online. It is better to explain to them why they are not allowed yet to go to such sites and when they will be allowed to.
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    How do you Cope?

    My friend did not expect that his beloved wife will be filing a divorce. He is emotionally devastated and he misses his children very much. He could not concentrate on his job and anything else. How can I help him to cope with this?
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    What's Your Hobby?

    This used to be a standard question when I was younger. When there were no computers yet, and television shows are few. Is this still relevant? Do you have a hobby?
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    Going Shopping?

    One of the most boring things to do is to go shopping with one's wife. I can't really understand where they get the energy to go back and forth and round and round looking at things and comparing everything before they can buy something.
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    Climate Change?

    Do you think that the so called "Climate Change" has something to do with the flooding and landslides that are happening in different parts of the world? I don't mean the one caused by the tsunami in Japan.
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    Talking about your wife?

    I don't like men who speak bad things about their wives and about women in general. I can share in talks about wives, but I say only generalities and good qualities about her.
  13. T

    Foreign Foods

    My wife and I are fond of Japanese food, but are not very keen on Thai food. We also like the Italian food. What foreign foods do you like to eat?
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    Staying at Home While Wife Works

    If I have given my best effort to find a job and it still eludes me, I have to talk with the wife so we can make plans about what to do. I won't mind staying at home if she doesn't. But it will have to be a very temporary arrangement.
  15. T

    Children's Curfew

    I noticed that my teen son has been going home late lately, so I had to impose a curfew, not only for his safety but also for our peace of mind. Do you also do this?