Recent content by Travis

  1. T

    What do you do to exercise?

    I prefer low impact exercises like walking and yoga. I try to do yoga at least half an hour everyday, though I can't always make it. But my wife is a yoga addict and my daughter started to learn simple postures for her.
  2. T

    A father's influence

    I love my dad but I don't see him as my role model. I want to be myself which is different than my father, and he does also. I wonder if my daughter wants to get married to someone like me. I don't think so. :D
  3. T

    Kramer vs Kramer

    I know it's an old movie. Still, starring Dustin Hoffman and Meryl Streep, it is one of my favorite movies ever. From the touching and inspiring movie I can learn how hard it is to be a single parent of a child. What is your favorite movie?
  4. T


    I have to admit that I am not a religious person, but my wife and my daughter are. We go to church every Sunday and I do it more for them than for myself.
  5. T

    The Pursuit of Happyness

    It sounds like a good movie. I am not a big fan of Will Smith, but I think he performed well in the movie as he got an Academy Award nomination and a Golden Globe nomination (for best actor, I guess).
  6. T

    Natural treatment

    When you get a health problem, do you go for medical treatment or natural remedies? I am fond of anything natural and I would rather find natural treatment than the medical one for my health problems.
  7. T

    Too Proud To Say Sorry

    Me too, and it's really sad. I am aware that my daughter needs it and she would be happy if her father admitted the mistakes he made, but it's just not me. Well, there are still many things to learn to be a good dad.
  8. T

    Naming The Child

    We collected tons of male and female names during my wife pregnancy and pick the best of them. Mind you, we didn't want to know our baby gender before it was born.
  9. T

    Free time

    Library! That's great Jason. I also like reading but I have to admit that I am not that organized. My books are scattered here and there in the house. I was thinking about getting a Kindle.
  10. T

    Free time

    Gardening is one of my favorite activities to spend free time. I love to see something growing. I plant some vegetables and my wife grows orchids. The best part is that we do it organically.
  11. T

    Fatherhood what you expected?

    Being a dad is definitely not the easiest job I have ever done, but I am really happy to it. Besides my wife, she is the one who makes me always excited to come home after work.
  12. T

    Teaching your kids to read...

    Well, actually it's her mother who mostly taught my daughter to read. ^_^ But I do read stories for her before she goes to sleep and she likes it. Reading for her, I feel like Mrs. Doubtfire reading stories for his kids. :)
  13. T

    Dividing Time

    Yes, I believe it wouldn't be easy to take care of children yourself as a single mother, not to mention as a single father. Do you would be able to allot more time for you children if you worked at home?
  14. T

    Paying for college?

    It's a brave decision, and a good way of encouraging your children to be more responsible for their own education. I don't think could make such a decision. I would still be saving for my daughter's education while looking the possibilities for getting the grants and scholarships.
  15. T

    What's your worst fear?

    The last thing I want to happen in my life is losing my wife or/and her love to me. I know it sounds immature, but it's what I feel now. I really love her and I don't think I can live without her.