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  1. M


    How much did you baby-proof your house when your little one became mobile. We did outlets, cabinets, and got choking hazards and fragile stuff out of reach. What else did you do?
  2. M

    She's talking ballroom dancing again...

    Ugh, every time Dancing With the Stars starts up, my wife starts hinting around the two of us taking a ballroom dancing class together. I don't know how long I can dodge this topic without getting myself in trouble. Anyone here ever take or consider taking a dance class?
  3. M

    Kids and martial arts.

    My wife says she want to put our two boys, ages 6 and 9, in a karate class. I don't really have a problem with it, but I was just wondering if kids this age really get alot out of these classes?
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    Refinance or modification, is there a difference?

    My wife has been thinking that maybe we could refinance and see if maybe we could lower our monthly payments. What is a loan modification, is it different than refinancing?
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    Are the unions in trouble?

    With some states trying to limit the bargaining rights of unions, are the unions going to be able to really protect the workers? Do you think this could actually lead to striking and other type of backlash?
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    Not able to join in...

    I was asleep. That's until my wife and our kids were being silly and woke me up. The kids are off from school tomorrow and my wife took a day off from work so they're up late. I'm jealous I can't join in the fun, but I'm also a little annoyed that I'm awake now and have to work early.
  7. M

    The price of professional sports.

    Well, single game tickets went on sale last week for our local pro baseball team and I just couldn't pull the trigger to buy tickets. Even the cheap seats are more than thirty a pop. Then you start adding in food, beverages and souvenirs and it's crazy. It's just an expense I'm not ready to...
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    Netbook or laptop?

    My wife wants to get another computer and thinks that a netbook will be enough for her. What will she not be able to do with a netbook that you can do on a laptop?
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    Extended warranty.

    It seems like every time I buy anything these days I'm always being offered an extended warranty. Come on, why would I spend another 5 dollars on a 15 dollar kids toy. Do you ever get the extended warranty?
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    Use it or lose it...vacation time.

    At the place I work, we accumulate vacation time with each pay period. We can bank up to a certain ammount(max limits are set by how many years you have with the company) but at that point your time starts going into a sick bank that only gets used if your out for an extended period of time...
  11. M

    Another awards show.

    Well, the Academy Awards is on tonight and my wife is all set. She's got appetizers and wine. She watches all the preshows and every speech. Anyone else lose their wives for these shows, or do you join along for the fun?
  12. M

    Excited weather reporters.

    Whenever the weatherman/meteorologist gets excited, I know we're in for it. I know, it's their field, and when crazy stuff is happening, they are all into it. But, that doesn't mean I have to like it right? Does your local weather person get excited when crazy weather is about to get your area?
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    Working out with a trainer?

    A friend of my has a trainer that he works out with regularly and credits him with helping him lose 30lbs. He has told me the trainer will give me a free session but I'm not sure if I want to go this route. Has anyone used a personal trainer? Are they worth the money?
  14. M

    Teaching patience.

    My 5 year old is so inpatient and I just don't know what to do. Everything has to be right now or the whining starts. We have started putting him in time-out quicker when this type of behavior starts. I'm wondering is there any other way to try and teach patience to a 5 year old?
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    Who plans the vacations?

    My wife is already starting to plan our summer vacation, which is fine by me. But, I really don't want to participate in the planning and she keeps asking me for input. Just tell me when to show up. Do you like participating in the planning of you family vacations?
  16. M

    Nostradamus and other predicitions.

    I saw a special on Nostradamus and they were talking about some of his predicitons and it's pretty interesting. Do you believe that he was able to forsee some of the events looming in the future? What do you think about the predicitons for 2012?
  17. M

    Extended family.

    I am so grateful that much of my wife's family and my own live nearby. We see them for visits often and my kids are getting a sense of extended family that I never really had. Also, they have all stepped up whenever we've needed babysitters and that has been such a big relief. Do you have...
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    New cell phone, or not...

    My brother is constantly looking for the newest and most complicated cell phone available and upgrades his as soon as he can. Me, I prefer less complicated and literally kept my last phone until it fell apart. Do you look to upgrade your phone as soon as you can, or do you try to keep a...
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    Nice move...not....

    Ok, so I'm heading to my car for work this morning. I'm not in a hurry, got some things going through my mind about stuff I want to get done today, when...what the...I miss the last step and go crashing into the sidewalk. I got some scrapes and bruises, and a fat lip, but nothing major...
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    Has anyone seen this movie? I really wanted to see it before it came out, but different friends have given me mixed reviews. What is your opinion? Should I want for it to come to DVD or is it worth the price of admisision?