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  1. R

    Violent video games?

    I have the same problem as Forgotten. I'd like to limit my kid's video games and time, but they go to their friends and play all the time. I can't really ground them and keep them at home in their rooms forever. It's a difficult problem.
  2. R

    Three Year Olds and TV

    I have a filter on my TV so I can change the channels only with my password. That's how I can control the only things my kids can watch. I got mine at Radio Shack.. Pretty inexpensive.
  3. R

    Beginning to read...

    Memorizing Books I'm kind of not seeing the problem here. My 12 year old used to do the same thing when she was 5 and 6 years old. We just kept giving her more books to read and memorize. LOL. It shows your child is very smart which is a good thing !
  4. R

    Teenager and drugs

    I have strong suspicions (moods, behavior, etc.) that my 12 yeard old son is into some kind of drugs. I know a couple of his friends drink alcohol and smoke weed (yes, at 12 and 13 !). Any suggestons on how I should approach this issue with him ?
  5. R

    Online parenting classes

    I probably wouldn't take one right now as my kids are ages 6, 8, and 12. But 12 years ago when my oldest was born I would have thought it to be a good idea. They just didn't offer them online at the time.
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    No, I have three kids ages 6, 8, 12 and the feeling of amazement - at least for me - has never gone away. It just changes some as they grow older and experience new things in life.
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    If you could chose the gender.

    Gender No, I wouldn't choose the gender. With my three children (I have 2 girls and a boy) I never cared about the gender. I was just happy to help them and pleased that all three were healthy.
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    Weekly Allowance

    Allowance $25 a week at her age ? What is she going to do with that ? If I were you I would go for the $10. She's lucky to get that at her age I think.
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    Christmas shopping

    Christmas Shopping ? I'm still (today is 10/06) trying to gets my three kids prepared for Halloween and then after that there is the Thanksgiving holiday; always a pain with my wife's family. I won't even start to do my Christmas shopping until after Thanksgiving. Do I feel guilty about it ? A bit.
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    Ears Pierced

    Pierced Ears I don't think eight years old is too young at all. Both my daughters has their ears pierced at three years of age with no problems. Sorry, I think you should let her have it done.
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    How do you say it nicely

    Solution ? This is what I do. My kids each get $20 / week allowance. So I tell them, "Daddy has to work right now, so I need you to be quiet". Because if you don't, I'll get in trouble with my work and I won't be able to afford to give you your weekly allowances. Works every time !
  12. R

    Teenage Screams

    Solution I have a 14 year old daughter who does the same thing. Finally, I told her that every time she does that I'll take away her allowance for the week (which is $25). And I did it for a couple of weeks in a row. You'd be surprised at how well-mannered and quiet she became after that !
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    How She Responds My wife reacts the exact same way when I want to buy a technical gadget that I'm interested in. Yet, she sees nothing wrong at all with spending $80 every two weeks to get her hair and nails done !
  14. R

    Separate Rooms

    My twin daughters (9 years old) have decided they each was their own bedroom. They share one now. I still say they can wait until they are 12 years old for that. It would mean converting our den into the other bedroom for one of them at this point. Am I being unreasonable ?
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    Mini-Bike for Eight Year Old

    My eight year old son wants us to buy him a mini-bike (motorized). Two of his friends have them. I say he is too young. What do you think ?
  16. R

    Holiday Split unfair

    The way me and my ex do it is to split the Christmas and Thanksgiving holidays equally. That is, equal time for each of us with our children on each holiday. The scheduling can be difficult, but it's better than that every other holiday arrangement.