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    What to do?

    I have no idea what to do with my kids lately. I think we are all a bit bored. We haven't went out together and had a day away from the house in a while. Any ideas? The weather is so nice today!
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    Online Games

    Are there any games you have been playing online lately. I've actually been getting my wife into playing League of Legends. We have been kicking some serious butt hehe.
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    Giant Cookie

    The other day while I was eating some raw cookie dough, I decided to ball it all up and make a huge cookie. I couldn't even wait for it to be cooked so I ended up mixing it up in a bowl with ice cream. Yum!
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    Anyone expecting a baby this month?

    I keep hearing that this is a really popular month for babies to be born. I wonder how it works out like that. Isn't it strange that there are months where more babies are born? I wonder how that happens?
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    I moved a lot as a kid and I never want to put my kids through that. I think moving is very hard on a child. I know it was hard on me. It was always sad leaving my current town and losing friends. How many times have your kids moved so far?
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    Never had to worry about it

    I was really lucky growing up, I never had to worry about step parents, step brothers and sisters. I think that would be very confusing for kids. I'm really glad my family kept it simple.
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    What do you do when your kids are going through a lot of changes and it's your fault? What I mean is, when you have a new addition to the family or when you change jobs and your hours are all crazy? How do you prepare them?
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    I couldn't do it

    I seriously don't think I could ever make it as a single parent. There is just too much going on in my life. I don't know how anyone can do it. There's so much going on each day in all of our lives. I don't think my kids would get enough attention.
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    Do you say this?

    I've always thought it was a really weird way to put it; as if both the man and woman are pregnant but I think it's cute. I guess it's a way to include the guy in it and make it a couple thing. Instead of saying "she's pregnant". It sounds more involved the other way.
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    One thing you would ask?

    I would (if I were a mother) as the children to listen to me and respect my wishes, even if they think they know it all. There are so many things kids could avoid dealing with if they would just listen.
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    Weekends together?

    We mix it up. There are times when we plan on all being together but I don't mind if the kids go out and spend the weekend with their friends. I think it helps them build a life of their own.
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    Do you like beer?

    I'm not a beer drinker. I really think the stuff is totally nasty. I do, however, really like Mike's Hard Lemonade. I'm not sure what that is considered in all honestly lol.
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    Morning after pill

    That's terrible. I mean, I realize that kids are going to have sex but a talk is needed to make sure they are safe. You never want to have to resort to something like the morning after pill on a regular basis.
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    More Quakes?

    Oh man! :( I can't believe they have to deal with this for a year. I think they've been through far more than what they deserve to. I wish there was something we could do to stop this terror.
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    Preventing Bullying

    I think this is really sad. I think kids are going to be bullied no matter what and it builds their character. Not to sound mean, but if there is never negativity in a kid's life, how are they going to learn?
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    Weather Is Insane!

    I don't know. I can't believe how annoying that must be for you. I've never been around a flash flood but they look like something I would never want to be around. I wish you luck and hope it ends soon, man.
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    I think it depends on a few things. It depends on how much you trust your child and if they've proven themselves to you and earned that trust. Also, I think weekends should be later, but school days they need to make sure to get sleep.
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    Do You Let Them Handle Their Own Money?

    This is a tough one. There are two ways you can handle this: you can let him start out trying to handle it on his own and see how he does and then start making him save it all or you can intervene early on. I think it would be a better learning experience if you let him try first.
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    Longest day, ever wow

    I've had a lot of days like that lately and that's why I've been just sleeping like crazy. Sometimes I get so stressed that I can't handle doing much of anything at all.
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    The job interview

    What I normally do with a question like that is say something that's actually positive. Like, say I have a hard time giving up or I work too hard and I lose sleep because of it, etc. Sounds corny, yes but it works.