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  1. W

    Christmas music

    My wife gets so hyped up about the holidays and most of the time I think it's really cute, but she is driving me nuts with the Christmas music already. We used to have a local radio station that played Christmas music 24/7 from Thanksgiving until Christmas and that wasn't so bad in years past...
  2. W

    How many times?

    I know this is a personal question, but I figured I'd ask anyway. I have a buddy who is currently going through his third divorce and I'm having some trouble relating to him. I can see that all of his marriages had some pretty big problems and I don't blame him for getting out. I just don't...
  3. W

    Holiday weight

    I've listened to my wife complain for years now about the weight she gains around the holidays and now it has occurred to me that as I am getting older I have the same problem. It never used to affect me, but I know I put on some weight last week. I'm sure I'll be able to burn it off without a...
  4. W

    Pet names for your kids

    We all do it - pumpkin, half pint, baby cakes, sugar plum, little buddy, etc. What do you call your kids? I call my son little buddy and my wife calls him spud, lol.
  5. W

    Gluten free

    I'm not sure I really grasp exactly what a gluten free diet is and what the health benefits are. Is there anyone here who is on a gluten free diet? I've heard that some people are actually opting for this lifestyle even if they don't need to do it for medical reasons.
  6. W


    My wife starts holiday menu planning way in advance and I have been listening to her go on and on about Thanksgiving for about two weeks now. I can't take it anymore!! Cook the darn bird already and let me at it!
  7. W

    Interest rates

    I got a credit card offer yesterday that had an APR of (hang on to your hat)...59%!! I keep only one credit card so I had no intention of accepting the offer in the first place, but sometimes I read these things to see what they are offering. 59% - holy cow! I may not have the best credit on...
  8. W

    Time change

    Just a friendly reminder - it is once again time to "fall back" tonight. I am terrible at keeping track of when we do that, but my wife just reminded me so I thought I'd pass it along :)
  9. W

    Mass destruction

    I am having one of those weekends where I feel like I am surrounded by mass destruction. We have a weekend at home planned (we don't get many of those) and my son is destroying the place. I feel so bad for my wife who is going to have to be the one to deal with it come Monday.
  10. W


    My father says naps are for babies, women, and old people. I think that's an old school train of thought and I'm not ashamed to admit that I need a nap now and then. Anyone else take naps?
  11. W

    Budgeting for Christmas

    Has anyone started Christmas shopping yet? How do you budget for it? My wife sets aside a little money each week in the Christmas cookie jar, so to speak, so thankfully I don't take a big financial hit around the holidays.