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    Considering a netbook

    We use our computer a lot at our house. We are considering a netbook as an inexpensive way to add a computer to the household. We only need to be able to surf and process e-mail. Any experience with these? We
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    Favorite cooking method

    There are many ways to prepare food. Do you have a favorite method? I love to stir-fry. You get everything ready and then start adding things to the pan to cook it all very quickly, which is kind of exciting.
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    Fiscal cliff

    Any bets on how you think this fiscal cliff stand-off will turn out? I think they should pass legislation to not raise taxes for the 99% first and then decide about whether to raise taxes on the top 1%. Your thoughts?
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    Are you a college graduate? If so, do you feel it was worth the effort? If not, do you wish you were? If you could go back to school, what would you study?
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    Optimistically Skeptical......

    Do you think the congressional gridlock we have all witnessed the last couple of years can be broken to get something done in Washington, D.C. for a change? I'm optimistically skeptical.
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    Considering re-financing

    With current mortgage rates so low, we are considering re-financing our mortgage. Would it be worth it to go through the process to lower our rate by half a percentage point?
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    What would it be?

    If you could change one thing about your spouse what would it be? If your spouse could change one thing about you, what do you think it would be?
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    Plans for the break?

    Christmas break is coming up pretty soon. I'm hoping we have a decent amount of snow so that we can spend some time stomping around outside. Got any plans for the break?
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    Made it a family project

    We decorated outside over the weekend and made it a family project (instead of Dad's chore....). Everyone had input and had their part to play. It was fun!
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    Anything fun?

    So did you do anything fun with your kids on Thanksgiving? We sang "Over the River and Through the Woods" about 5 times in the car on the way to visit friends.
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    NASCAR event

    Did you hear that the First Lady recently made an appearance at a NASCAR event to honor veterans and their families, and people there boo-ed her! I was so mad!
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    The clock change

    The clock change just seems to be kicking my butt this time. Usually the fall time change is the easy one for me to adjust to. I'm really hating how early the dark starts.
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    Couldn't remember

    Did you hear Rick Perry totally stutter during the last GOP candidate debate? He said there were three agencies he would eliminate if elected, and then he couldn't remember the third one! NOT the right guy for the job.
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    Aging parents

    Have you been confronted with the prospect of having to start to help caring for aging parents? I'm the youngest of six, so my parents were older when they had me. I'm not sure I'm ready for this!
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    Beating her with a belt

    Did you hear about the 23 year old young lady who published a video of her dad, who is a judge, beating her with a belt when she was 16?? Stunning.
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    The topic of death

    We are going to have to put our dog to sleep in the next week or so. He is 14 years old and has developed diabetes and is not responding to insulin treatment. This is the first experience with death for our kids. How have you dealt with the topic of death??
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    Don't want to be a couch potato

    This year I am vowing to not become the couch potato I have been in years past. I'm sure others have too. What strategies do you intend to employ to make good on this?
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    How much TV?

    How much TV do you allow your children to watch? My wife thinks that 1 hour a day is too strict, and I think 2 and a half hours a day is way too much.
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    "Occupying Wall Street"

    The "Occupying Wall Street" thing seems to be picking up momentum all around the nation. I live near three different cities that have had corresponding marches. Any protests going on where you live?
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    Feeling the pinch?

    Are you and your family feeling the pinch in the face of current economic conditions? What is your family doing to deal with it?