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  1. J

    Punishing your spouse?

    I agree with Ronald that it sounds immature, but I am guilty for doing that too. Though, my wife is very understanding. She knows when I need to be left alone, and she will do so.
  2. J

    Meaning of Life?

    I just want to live the life to the fullest. It sounds cliche but I think it's what we are supposed to do. We live in the present, not in the past or the future.
  3. J

    Warts and blisters

    I second all the advice above. Switch your socks and tie your shoes properly. Sometimes you can get rid of even serious health problems by making simple changes.
  4. J

    Family business

    The other drawback of working for your father or other family members is that most people would think you were hired because of your family relation instead of your capabilities.
  5. J

    Too Plugged In?

    I am not of the type of person who does everything on his cellphone. Though, I do use the internet a lot. It doesn't really affect my relationship with the kids.
  6. J

    A good business to start

    That sounds like another profitable business. I heard that many companies are outsourcing their administrative work to freelance workers and independent contractors. Though, I wonder how it works. Where do you find your clients.
  7. J

    The wrong subject

    Have you ever thought that you might have majored the wrong subject in college? Did it lead you to choosing the wrong career path? I have some friends who thought they have.
  8. J

    President Obama supports gay marriage

    Yeah, I also am a bit surprised that he has gone that far. I am not against gay relationship and marriage, but I don't think it is something to be encouraged and supported, especially by the President.
  9. J

    Grandparents friends with mom and dad

    I think it's very nice of you to include your ex daughter in law in those occasions. She is still your grandson's mother, right? It will give them more time to get together.
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    Dating someone from the past

    I have never been in such a situation, but my elder brother has. He met his college crush and ended up proposing her. Now they have three children.
  11. J

    The hardest part of marriage

    It's a good question. I agree with Ownage about compromise being the hardest part of marriage. I suspect that I was born to work (and live) alone. It's hard to accept that you can't do whatever you think is good, in the way you like the most anymore.
  12. J

    A good business to start

    I think that's a great idea CH. I think it is an evergreen niche. People will always need to eat regardless of their financial situation. I think in this business you could also expect high profit margins.
  13. J

    A good business to start

    I know it is not the best time to start a new business. Though, just curious, if money were not an issue, what kind of business would you start today?
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    On lying and infidelity

    I feel so sorry for him. It's really sad but it happens. I hate cheating and I wonder why so many married people are still cheating on their other half.
  15. J

    Itchy scalp

    Of course you need to see the doctor to find out what's the problem for sure. Anyway, you may have been using the wrong shampoo. Try to change your shampoo and see what will happen.
  16. J

    First haircut

    Well, I don't exactly remember when my kids got their first hair cut, but they were at least 1.5 years when they did it. I cannot say they well behaved though. :)
  17. J

    Court: Sperm Donor Doesn't Owe Child Support

    That is crazy. I can understand that he had been forced to pay in the first place. He did the woman a favor and he had to pay for that?
  18. J

    Safe Sex versus Abstinence

    Well, I have to agree that safe sex is a more realistic choice in today's world. Like the others said, abstinence is the ideal approach but for many people it would be hard to choose this option. For them, teaching about safe sex would be your best bet.
  19. J

    Time outside

    That's great. I think it's good to have your kids play outdoor as much as possible. You know that today's kids are much more sedentary than we were in childhood.
  20. J

    Unruly Cat

    Yeah, I don't agree with the idea of declawing her. It doesn't seem right to me. A cat is carnivorous by nature. You should let her keep the claws.