Search results

  1. R

    Within the budget?

    Have you managed to stay within the budget you set for buying Christmas gifts this year? So far we have been able to stay under budget.
  2. R

    Dealing with some PTSD issues

    I have a friend who was stationed over in Iraq for two tours of duty who was assigned to do inspections for roadside bombers. He's dealing with some PTSD issues. It's hard to watch.
  3. R

    It's only been a week

    Everywhere you go they've got the Christmas tunes playing non-stop since the day after Thanksgiving. It's only been a week, and I'm maxed out on it!
  4. R

    Some of each?

    When shopping for your immediate family for Christmas, do you get them "necessities" or something that is a luxury or just for enjoyment? Some of each?
  5. R

    Dealing with a sweet tooth

    How do you handle a sweet tooth? I do love my sweets, and there are always so many temptations at this time of year. Advice for someone with a sweet tooth?
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    Forgot how much I hate it

    We got 6 inches of snow where we live. Man, it seems like forever since I shoveled snow. I forgot how much I hate it!
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    Santa Claus

    Do your kids believe in Santa Claus? Sometimes I feel a little guilty like I'm sort of deceiving the kids with the whole Santa Claus story and hype.
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    Going back to school

    I have made the decision to go back to school. It took me almost a year to make my decision and to gather all the facts but I feel really good about it!
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    Any veterans?

    Any veterans out there? A big salute to all veterans today. Anyone who has served knows the many sacrifices involved, especially how it impacts time with your family.
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    It's looking like people in Ohio are voting to repeal the legislation passed to eliminate collective bargaining rights of public workers there. I think it's great.
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    Biggest health issue for men

    What do you think is the biggest health issue that men need to be concerned with today? What is the best prevention to avoid it, do you think?
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    What is your biggest expense?

    What is your biggest expense that your income goes into covering? Health insurance has sure been taking a big bite out of our income lately.
  13. R

    Worth it?

    Have you ever considered taking the skills you have and doing some free lance work to earn a little extra cash? Do you think it's worth it or more trouble than it's worth?
  14. R

    Already talking about what they want for Christmas

    The kids are already talking about what they want for Christmas and it's not even Halloween yet! Has it come up as a topic of discussion in your house yet?