Search results

  1. A

    How much do you earn?

    Hey. How much do you earn monthly to keep your family up :)? I quit my job 3 months ago and now i'm website designer and coding programs for living and i'm earning a lot more than my old day job. :eek:
  2. A

    What type of movies you let your children watch?

    Well.. What type of movies you let your children watch from televison?.. I know that some fathers are letting them to watch anything, but i'm not doing that!.. My 10 years old son is not going to watch any horror movies at that age!
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    What should i do?

    Hey. What should i do with this.. I broke up with my girlfriend recently, we got 10 years old boy who would like to stay and live with me, but my ex-girlfriend want's that my son will live with her.. I have a criminal record.. So i think that in the trial i can not get custody of my son..
  4. A

    Mobilephone for 10 years old.

    Hey. I got one children, it's a 10 years old boy and he's everyday asking that when does he get a cell phone, do you people think that he's enough old to have a cell phone?.. He's also complaining that all he's friends are having those really cool cell phones.