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  1. F

    More shootings...

    This is my second or third post of this matter recently but breaking news reports show 10 people shot and 2 dead in a shooting outside the Empire State building. Supposedly, it is a former employee who killed his boss or coworker that he had a grievance with.
  2. F

    And another shooting...

    near the Texas A&M campus...apparently come crazy idiot had a fully automatic gun and started shooting people who were serving an eviction notice...what the ef?!?!
  3. F

    Another shooting...Sikh temple

    Gunman, six others dead at Wisconsin Sikh temple - Gunmen, supposedly multiple shooters, attacked a congregation at a Sikh temple today. Right now about 6 plus one of the shooters dead with up to 20 injured. I also heard there was a hostage situation but that has not been confirmed.
  4. F

    Who here would disown their children...

    if they found out they were gay? Disown is a strong word so even look at them differently or not treat them the same because of your prejudice towards gays. This happens all the time so let's see who will fess up and why?