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  1. T

    Gunshot wounds

    Just once, I would like to see TV honestly depict a gunshot wound or a beating. Have the person screaming in pain, etc etc. Might wake a few people up.
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    I think I'll be happy once this whole "Nerds Are Cool!" fad passes so I can get back to work in peace.
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    Gangnam style

    Thankfully, I have managed to avoid this one so far.
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    Not the coach, but...

    Or, look at it this way: You're not sitting on the sidelines in your daughter's classroom giving the teacher unsolicited advice, are you? No? Then let the coach run the team.
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    Is it ok to have differnt religious beliefs?

    I don't know that I'm aware of any American marriages that have broken up due to religious issues. I figure that sort of thing would get hammered out BEFORE you got married.
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    I'm wary of any sort of marketing that is openly designed to appeal to a certain core audience. "Music and Culture for Nerds"? Seems like a lame attempt to capitalize on the "nerds are cool" fad that is currently going through its death throws. How about you just put some music out there, and...
  7. T

    Are you ready for football?

    I never understood the appeal of televised sports. To me, a sport is something you do, not something you watch. I can understand the gladiatorial concept of picking a side and cheering them on in person, seeing athletes at the top of their game compete, etc. But, without a crowd to immerse...
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    Preschool Library Storytime

    Sounds like a glorified babysitter to me.
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    Eating control

    You need to avoid the compulsion to use food as a weapon or a bargaining tool.
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    Not the coach, but...

    Then, you need to stay home. It's not about you. It's about your child. Just let your child have fun. Not everything has to be a competition.
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    Career and Marriage do not side by side.

    They can go hand-in-hand so long as you make smart decisions along the way.
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    What do your kids think of your music?

    When I was a kid, I liked what my folks played in the car's cassette deck while we drove up to our yearly vacation spot. As a teen, I hated all the crap they used to play when I was a kid. Now that I'm an adult, I get nostalgic when I hear all the stuff they used to play.
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    Anniversary getaway.

    Flamingo is a pretty good place to stay, mainly because of its location. Yeah, I like Golden Nugget's buffet. I'm not much of a gambler, so I can't really give you any tips there. Freemont street is a cool place to spend some time. Get a deep fried twinkie while you're there. Nearly all the...
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    Rearing stepchildren isn't as easy!

    Of course it's not easy. Adding a new variable to an already established equation never is.
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    Considering Preschool

    By that rationale, he should have put her in some sort of program at age 2 so that it would make it less difficult to start pre-school at 3.
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    Bad decisions

    The best you can do is advise them against the decision and give your reasoning behind it. Let me put it to you this way: If your friend told everyone that the sky is red and the Sun is green, would you agree with him just because he's your friend?
  17. T

    Why don't they just finish it?

    I still say that forcing one to join "the clean plate club" every meal is a huge detriment. Pick your battles. When it comes to forcing a child to eat something he/she is determined not to eat, you're going to lose.
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    Considering Preschool

    It's the first step towards indoctrination. It can be great for developing social aspects at that age, but, personally, I would hold off for another year.
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    Bring on the scary movies!

    And, of course, "The Walking Dead" is starting up again on AMC soon.
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    A harsh lesson

    You know, I have a lot of casual friends who also happen to be single and happen to have kids. We all get together a lot and hang out and do day trips, etc. Sometimes I wonder why I have to take such a "wait and see" attitude with women I'm involved with.