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  1. H

    More than 5 kids?

    Many countries in Europe now have sub-replacement fertility rates. It's good to see larger families are making somewhat of a comeback. Some countries like Japan and Spain will start to struggle soon, I hope those countries manage to reverse the decline.
  2. H

    Do you know any other new dads?

    Do you know anyone else who is also a new dad? It's often a lot easier if you know someone else who recently became a father at the same time as you did. I knew a few people who became fathers at a similar time so I was lucky in that regard.
  3. H

    Double Standard?

    That's just the way it always has been and always will be. I don't personally approve of encouraging 7 year olds to chase girls, but I suppose before long they wouldn't need encouraging anyway!
  4. H

    How much grandparent involvement?

    How much involvement do the grandparents have with your children? Often families are spread out and grandparents can live many miles away. Do your children get to see their grandparents on a frequent basis?
  5. H

    How involved are you?

    I only work away from home 2 days per week, so I am very lucky in that regard. I get to spend a lot of time with them and I'm very involved. I suppose that is one of the greatest benefits about being able to work part time at home.
  6. H

    More than 5 kids?

    I suppose with the recession, families will grow larger. It is always the case, strange though because I thought it would work the other way around. I think having a large family ensure that your children can support each other better, and there will be mutual prosperity when they are older.
  7. H

    Who dishes out the discipline?

    Whenever required by either parent. I've observed that fathers tend to discipline their sons strictly, and daughters less so. Mothers tend to discipline their daughters harshest, and sons less so.
  8. H

    Raising Kids So They Make Their Own Choices

    Indeed. I think that too much 'free thinking' and independence is why so many kids are wild these days. Critical thinking is OK. Whilst I want them to be able to reason and think. some things just absolutely won't be tolerated. In all honesty I'm more concerned with my children adopting my...
  9. H

    Does your son take long showers?

    I remember the long shower phase :P When people asked me why I was spending so long in the shower I just immediately started taking shorter showers, and being more pro-active with the 10 minutes I had there. It's up to you but I don't think any serious talk is necessary, although many fathers...
  10. H

    Pap's Cigars

    Cigars are less likely to cause a problem. Whilst they do contain harmful chemicals, it is nowhere near as bad as the stuff found in mass produced cigarettes. I think someone who switched from cigarettes to cigars, will benefit more than someone who goes from cigars to quitting. I do believe in...
  11. H

    Protecting your kids when you're not there

    The main thing I am doing to keep my kids safe is saving money up to move to a better location. I suppose at the end of the day though, you can run but you can't hide! Almost everywhere is going downhill and you'll always encounter some problems. I am keen on teaching a certain proficiency in...
  12. H

    What did you take when trying to conceive?

    Haha. Very true! I suppose zinc and vitamin C are the only two things that will seriously boost your chances, unless you have a specific deficiency elsewhere. Having said that I would advise looking into deficiencies if you are having trouble conceiving. Zinc will boost sperm production, and...
  13. H

    MPAA Rating System

    Absolutely not. I'll review the film myself before letting them see, and I'll often ask friends of their opinion. I personally don't watch many films and so they don't either. I'd let them see the 007 series quite young but other stuff that is 12 rated I wouldn't permit.
  14. H

    Resentful of Kids?

    The children didn't ask to be born. I haven't ever felt resentful and don't think I would. Even if they did cause me grief it would be at least somewhat due to my parenting.
  15. H

    Too much time online

    I probably do spend too much time on line, especially on my work at home days, but at least then I can leave the house at anytime, which is better than the work-at-workplace days.
  16. H

    Do you wish your children would hurry up and get older?

    Not particularly, time will come. You can't turn the clock back, only forward. So enjoy this phase while you can, because you may end finding that you miss these days in the future.
  17. H

    Labor and Delivery

    It seems strange to some of us but some fathers just feel like that. I understand too that it is very strange, and not something I would want but some fathers just get nervous about these things. I think he will regret it later, but it's understandable why he would feel like this now.
  18. H

    How do you get over the agony of grounding your kids?

    I personally think that grounding is often an impractical punishment, they don't always go out for pleasure, and you're depriving their friends of fun as well. Only really serious offenses would warrant a grounding on my behalf but luckily nothing has ever cropped up yet.
  19. H

    When you're done having kids...

    I'm not sure it will crop up personally. Breastfeeding has caused delays in pregnancy anyway, so it causes a nice spacing out. I suppose I will have to wait and see. I don't like the idea of something permanent, but if we ever had 8 kids then I think I'll consider something more drastic :p
  20. H

    Learning on their own

    I think friends would ask, and I'd have no problems giving them advice. Sometimes a person has to be the first in their social circle to have a child but even then they will usually have family to assist. I think everyone gets a little bit of assistance at some point along the way. Although...