Search results

  1. D

    Thinking of going back to school

    I am thinking about going back to school for a second degree. It is something I want to do and that I think will benefit my family in the long run. But I do worry about the financial aspect of things.
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    Mild autism

    Does anyone have a child with autism spectrum disorder? My soon to be stepson is amazing. He also has mild autism spectrum disorder. He is doing so well and has seen improvements even in the past few months
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    Are there support groups in your area?

    I have noticed that in my area it is hard to find support groups for single dads. There are several groups nearby that are for single moms. But each of these groups actually excludes single dads.
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    Any advice

    I am about to become a step-father to two kids. They are age 3 and age 5. My wife's ex husband is not involved at all. I already love the kids and couldn't be more thrilled to raise them as my own. Even so, I know things will not alwasy be easy. Any advice?