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  1. M


    How do you determine if a movie is worth to see or not? Is the number of awards the movie has got counts? If so, how much does it count?
  2. M

    Any couple here?

    It's great that now this forum has a place for moms to share with each other, and with us dads. I just wonder if there is any couple participating in this forum.
  3. M

    Without cellphones?

    Have you ever thought that you may be able to live better and enjoy your life more without your cellphone? Cellphones help us in many ways, but I hate the fact that people can reach you whenever and wherever you are.
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    What do you think about the recent WHO's statement that cellphones can increase the risk of brain cancer? It's not so surprising but it makes me worry. Do you still use your cellphone as much as you used to?
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    The first interview?

    I am curious about your first interview. Was it for the job you really want? Did the interview go well? Did you end up getting an offer?
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    Too old to find a new job?

    At what age do you think someone is too old to find another job, and needs to stick with the job he is currently working? Is there such thing as "too old to find a new job" anyway?
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    Without the kids and the wife?

    When did the last time you go to the theater alone or with your friends, and without the wife and the kids? Is it something you do regularly?
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    Car accident?

    Car accidents? Have you ever been in a car accident when you traveled with your wife and the kids? How did you comfort the kids and tell them that everything's OK, how did you deal with these things?
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    How tall you are?

    Is asking as man how tall he is so rude as asking a woman how much she weights? I am not a tall person myself but I have no issue telling you how tall (or short) I am. :D
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    Female Agents

    I just watched Female Agents on DVD. I know it's not a new movie (it's released in 2008), but it's a great movie, based on (or inspired by) a true story. Have you seen the movie?
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    Seath Jackson?

    I know it's not the latest news, but the murder of Seath Jackson still makes me sick to my stomach. Teenagers are getting more cruel and shorter tempered now.
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    A good father?

    I know it's a bit of a stupid question, but do you prefer to be a good father or a good husband? Which one do you put more effort into?
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    Punishing yourself?

    Most of us would punish our kids if they made mistakes or did bad deeds, which is understandable and necessary. But what if you did mistakes yourself? How would you punish yourself to show the kids that the rule applies not only for them but also for you?
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    Living with a step dad?

    Any of you has experience living with a step dad? How hard was it, if it's hard at all? Do you feel he loves you the some way your bio dad does?
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    My wife is a big fan of Liam Neeson and she is looking forward to watching Unknown, his latest movie. Is it a good movie (because I will have to watch the movie with her LOL)?
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    Getting enough sleep

    Getting enough sleep can be luxurious for some people including me. I work a 9/5 job and spend my spare time to make extra income working online. Do you get enough sleep?
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    Why can't I do that?

    How do you explain the kids that there are some things adults can do while children cannot? I mean things like smoking, drinking, watching adult-oriented movies and the like.
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    What healthy habit?

    Having a healthy habits and lifestyle is a good way of improving and maintaining your health. It's not always easy to do though. What healthy habit is the most challenging for you?
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    Keeping yourself from cheating?

    How do you keep yourself from cheating? Have you ever, as a married person, met someone irresistible that you were tempted to cheat your partner? How do you deal with it?
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    Does he deserve it?

    Do you think there is any Oscar winner for best actor who doesn't really deserve the award? What about Colin Firth? Does he deserve it? I haven't watched The King's Speech so I can say nothing about him and his performance.